26/4/2011 69km Depart: 9AM Arrive: 6PM
After having been slightly burnt by the English sun yesterday, and severely burnt by the English cycle routes, we decided to eschew the dreaded NR-1 and follow the A2 highway to Canterbury. According to some maps online, there was supposedly a signed cycle routed through some forest and country lanes near Canterbury. So we turned off the A2 and found these country lanes, no signs however, but with the help of some locals we found the back way into to the beautiful, historic and culturally significant city of Canterbury.
The way along the A2 was nice and scenic but the traffic was sometimes stressful because at times it is a narrow road and there were a few lorries around. We stopped for lunch next to a cricket oval. The village lanes were cool. This is what we expect to be proper England from watching the TV shows, i.e. hedges, old buildings, a few sheep, etc.

Country lane
The camping place in Canterbury is really nice with a cheerful manager, lots of trees, green grass, and bunnies hopping around. It was also our first chance to try the tent and the gas stove.