There have been no single blog-worthy events lately, so it’s been a while. Just wanted to let everyone know that all is well, we are still loving Leuven etc.
Hearing of the unbearable temperatures in Perth lately, I should really apologise for the weather we are having here. It’s pretty cold - opening the window a few minutes ago felt like sticking my head into a freezer. A few days this week we have a maximum of -5 degrees. I feel a little ripped off that there isn’t a blanket of snow outside to justify feeling cold, but the weather has been mostly clear. We did have light snow on Monday though, and it’s cold enough that most of it hasn’t melted yet.
Rodney has been working quite hard over the last few weeks. I’ve picked up a couple of extra English students and still volunteer at the library so am getting quite busy myself.
A fortnight ago, we went to Brussels and visited the Magritte museum and a Belgian comic strip museum. Comics are very popular here, there are quite a few different ones and they’ve exported Tintin and The Smurfs to the rest of the world.
We also recently saw a Flemish movie about strike action in Flanders in the 70s, and were pleased to be able to follow the plot despite not having subtitles. Most of the jokes went over our heads though. Strikes are about as popular here as the comic strips - a national strike last Monday brought the total to at least three since we’ve been here. It’s definitely an interesting place to be from a political perspective.
Rodney had a bit of a disappointment when his hockey team drove an hour and a half into Wallonia for a make-up hockey game, only to find that the game time had changed and had to be cancelled. After more than six weeks’ break now, he’s itching to try out the new hockey shoes he bought before Christmas.
But as you can see he’s not suffering too much.

Enthusiastic waiters at pizza restaurant