17/05/2011 48km dep. 10:30AM arr. 4:30PM
Today we’re in a place called Au. It’s not very big and easy to type. There is a really nice camping place here by the Dönau (Danube river).
This morning we sort of slept in for a while because it was drizzling a bit. Then we had another look around Freistadt which is a pretty cool old town with a castle tower, walls, and a moat (no moat water unfortunately).

We then made our way in a general southerly direction between the river and a train line. I foolishly decided to pursue a walking track by the river which became quite muddy and then went up a steep hill with about 50m climbing on gravel.

Little uphill on track
We found a better road which was a main road along the Aist river. I have a video of some of it. It was quite a spectacular valley, and all down hill.
We followed the Aist until it met the Dönau at Au then decided to camp here. The camp site has wifi which means blogging from tent.
Tomorrow we are going to slog out a big day along the Dönauradweg into the direction of Wien. The weather wasn’t too flash today but at least it didn’t rain or hail like yesterday and it wasn’t too cold. We should be getting some sun later in the week.