Posted on July 23, 2008 by rodney
Tags: tour

Wet morning. Most of my things were wet because I let water get on the groundsheet under my tent, and it just soaked up through the floor. Wet.

After an easy downhill with the wind, I spent a while finding an imaginary “Inntalradweg” – the bicycle route which supposedly follows the Inn river. It just isn’t there. So instead of the bicycle way I took a couple B roads, which are fast and direct, but noisy and stressful. At times there were some local routes haphazardly signed, but it was just easier to use the main road.

Got to Innsbruck – it was pleasant enough, with a cute rathaus and a big colonade with mountains behind it, but I thought the tourist interest – the number of tourists around – was unjustified for what it was.

Anyway, the evening was fine. In the Subiaco-like neuestadt some local marketing company put on a “New Orleans Festival,” which seemed to be a blues band playing, and a beer tent, and all the oldies rocking on. I sat nearby and listened for a while and ate a take-away Thai green chicken curry I got inside the yuppie supermarket nearby.

Tried to upload some photos from the world’s slowest net cafe. Returned to camping 6km away, in the dark, with my headlight. It was nice and peaceful cycle. Got back to my tent which was pegged onto a muddy slope with views of the sewerage outlet of the neighbouring caravan. Some Korean boys in their tent were singing to pop music, which was funny.

Dep 10:30, arr 4:45, dst 83km.

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